Published Date: 01/10/2021 Version: 1.1
UTAIT acknowledges its obligation as a Registered Training Organisation to recognise the awards issued by other RTOs. This is limited to outcomes that are drawn from the national skills framework, being ‘units of competence’ awarded and accurately identified in statements of attainment and qualifications.
This policy and procedure document is to ensure quality, integrity and consistency in recognising and assessing prior learning and competencies. It also ensures compliance with the VET Quality Framework and underpins the AQF National Principles and Operational Guidelines for Recognition of Prior Learning.
This policy and procedure applies to all courses on UTA Institute of Technology's (UTAIT) scope of registration. It also applies to all current and future students of the institute, who wish to apply for recognition of prior learning and/or a credit transfer of competencies which have been previously formally attained.
The Credit Transfer policy is the responsibility of the Director - Compliance
Recognition: A term used that refers to RPL and RCC.
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL): RPL as a process of assessing a candidate’s formal, informal and other learning and work experiences to determine the level of competence of the student in line with the outcomes contained within any particular Vet qualification.
Recognition of Current Competence (RCC): RCC applies if a client has previously successfully completed the requirements for a unit of competency or module and is now required (for example by a licensing authority) to be reassessed to ensure that the competence is being maintained. In this case no extra skill or competencies are nationally recognised. (AVETMISS)
Credit Transfer: Assesses the requirements of an initial course or subject that the individual is using to claim access to, or the award of credit in, the destination course. The assessment is used to determine;
RTO: Registered Training Organisation Registered training organisations (RTOs) are those training providers registered by ASQA (or, in some cases, a state regulator) to deliver VET services.
UTAIT defines Credit Transfer as the recognition of skills achieved through formal learning and assessment. Credit Transfer allows a student to be awarded a unit of competency based on successful completion of the unit which has been previously awarded.
Under the Standards for Registered Training Organisations, qualifications and statements of attainment issued by any RTO are accepted and recognised by UTAIT. This is based on the assumption that the unit of competence being recognised is the same unit of competence or a revision of that unit which is equivalent to unit being sought.
If credit transfer is being sought for a unit of competence which has a different title or code, then it is necessary to establish the equivalence between the unit held and the unit being sought. This is done by either confirming unit equivalence with the National Register of information on Training Packages, Qualifications, Courses and Units of Competency (TGA Website) or by comparing mapping documents contained within the training package itself.
As a general guide, if there is no such mapping available then we are not obliged to recognise the unit through credit transfer. In these circumstances, the applicant should be referred for recognition in accordance with our Recognition policy and procedure.
An applicant will be required to present his or her statement(s) of attainment or qualification(s) for examination by UTAIT. These documents will provide the detail of what units of competence the applicant has been previously issued. Applicants must provide satisfactory evidence that the statement of attainment or qualification is theirs and that it has been issued by an Australian RTO. Statements of attainment or qualifications should be in the correct format as outlined in the Australian Qualifications Framework, First Edition, 2011. The applicant is required to submit copies only which are certified as a true copies of the original by a Justice of the Peace (or by a representative of UTAIT).
The following guidelines are to be followed when an application for credit transfer is received:
Credit Transfer is one way of recognizing study you have previously completed. If you have already successfully competed any of
the unit in the course in which you are enrolling, or their equivalent, you may be eligible for credit transfer. UTA Institute of Technology (UTAIT) will recognize Qualification and Statements of Attainment issued by any Australian Registered Training Organisation.
Where credit transfer is granted, you will be considered to have already successfully completed the units. You do not have to participate in training or assessment activities for those units.
Official Academic Records of previous study may include any:
There is no fee to apply for Credit Transfer
All Credit Transfer forms and any documentary evidence must be lodged in person at the reception. All forms must be submitted
at least two weeks prior to the start of a program. Applications received after that time will be processed but cannot be guaranteed
an outcome before the commencement of the training program