Information about the Unique Student Identifier (USI)
What is a USI?
The USI is a reference number made up of ten numbers and letters. You’ll need a USI if you are a new or continuing student undertaking nationally recognised training.
Without one, you won’t be able to receive your statement of attainment or qualification, and the USI gives you access to an online record of your nationally recognised training in the form of a VET transcript.
The USI initiative is supported by the Student Identifiers Act 2014.
Under the legislation, UTA Institute of Technology, cannot not issue a statement of attainment or a qualification unless the student has been assigned a USI.
Other key legislations: * Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTO) 2015 * Student Identifiers Regulation 2014 * Student Identifiers (VET Admission Bodies) Instrument 2015 * Student Identifiers (Exemptions) Instrument 2018
Role of the student identifiers registrar
The Student Identifiers Registrar is a Commonwealth statutory officer established by the Student Identifiers Act 2014.
About the Registrar:
– Responsible for administering the USI initiative nationally; – Appointed by the Commonwealth Skills Minister in consultation with the ministers responsible for skills in states and territories.
Is the training at UTA IT accredited by the government and recognised by industry?
RPL signifies ‘Recognition of Prior Learning. In general, RPL helps to convert previous skills, knowledge, and learning of an experienced person. This process can be recognised as part of a new qualification.
RPL is also a good method to ensure that you do not waste time learning in areas where you are already skilled.